Jul 18Liked by Grant Duncan PhD

Here in Aotearoa we have the NZ Initiative's Briefing to the Incoming Government - 'Prescription for Prosperity'.

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America in its death throws. I'd rather come under the influence of China, at least there is no surprises. Pax Americana has been a total lie from 1945 onwards. If I could pull the plug on them I'd have done it years ago.

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I guess the CPC isn't concerned that NZ is nuclear-free – whereas I'm not sure if the Americans will ever really forgive.

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Schultz felt that Lange was duplicitous: “Your Prime Minister lied to me” and that’s hard to overcome. We’re on track to get back onside which is where we ought to be. We don’t need to be a poodle, just do what is in our interests. Luxon’s recent statement reflects that.

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Hi Max. Can you find a source of that quote from Shultz? I know that adviser Gerald Hensley wasn't happy with Lange.

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I’m not sure. It was at an airport, San Francisco rings a bell, either Dennis McLean or Euan Jamieson. I knew both. Long time ago. I was Deputy Director of Plans, the ANZUS desk. Schultz was really outraged. From all I know about Lange ( and remember I grew up with him) it’s totally plausible. He told you what you wanted to hear.

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Interesting. Shultz wasn't pleased, I'm sure. But ultimately National didn't dump the policy.

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Indeed. Despite “the gone by lunchtime”. Note that Brash has recanted - or some would say lost his mind. But Clark onwards scrambled to get back onside with the Americans. We sent personnel, ships and planes to all sorts of places. Kurt Campbell is our favourite American. And my memory might be playing me false - it might have Michael Bassett or Stan Rodger in SF.

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Interesting that Project 2025 is for "unfettered trade with China". I've been reading analysis articles on the ABC news site which report that Trump intends to place high tariffs on imports, particularly those from China.

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It opposes it. But I see why that sentence can be misread, sorry Kai. I needed your editorial oversight! Or, it was my oversight!

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Re "I don’t see how presidential immunity could protect the minions or soldiers under a president’s command", could a president with immunity not just pardon any charges, should they happen, against them?

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He can pardon offences – if they're federal, not state, offences, even before they go to trial. As an official or soldier, I'm not sure it'd be wise to rely on the promise of a pardon. But you're right, it's a way out. Trump will presumably pardon many convicted of Jan 6 offences, if he gets the chance.

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Shorter Project 2025: its authors have mistaken The Handmaid's Tale for a training manual.

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Have you read the original of either?

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A story that confirms all our worst fears.

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